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Online Hitori

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Welcome to Online Hitori by Learners' World!

Get new puzzle: 5x5 8x8 12x12

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Hitori is sort of like "reverse Sudoku." The object is to eliminate cells in the grid until there are no duplicate numbers in any row or column. To eliminate a cell, it must be turned black by clicking on it. However, you may not place any black cells next to each other on a side (touching diagonally is okay). Finally, all white cells must be fully "connected" horizontally and/or vertically; no white cell(s) on the board can be "cut off" from the rest of the white cells. You can also mark cells in this game as "circled" (meaning "known to be white") by clicking a second time. This is just for your own visual reference as these cells count as white cells. This can be useful to visually mark the cells you know cannot be black. "Circled" cells appear with a light green background color. When you think you have solved the puzzle, click on 'Check' to see if you've solved the puzzle correctly. Have fun!

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